Micaela Francese started her love for music at the early age of 6 experiencing music fundamentals and piano. She then began violin at the age of 8 with private lessons, and participated in the Mount Royal University (MRU) Junior orchestra programs. After her experience with the violin, she auditioned for the conservatory sinfonia where she was encouraged to explore the viola. Micaela started her viola journey with private lessons and participated in that orchestra for a year before auditioning for the Calgary Youth Orchestra. As a Mount Royal University (MRU) Academy for young artist program student, she has approved the following RCM exams: Piano Grade 7, Violin Grade 8, Viola Grade 9 and Harmony 9.
Micaela is currently a member of the University of Calgary Orchestra as a violist and has been since beginning her undergraduate studies pursuing a Bachelor’s in Engineering in 2021. Prior to that she was a member of the Calgary Youth Orchestra from 2018 until 2021. In the past she has worked with many artists around Canada such as Chris Sandvoss at MRU, Michael van der Sloot from the University of Ottawa, Daniel Scholz, the Principal Violist of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Sharon Wei from Western University, and Jeremy Berry from the Calidore quartet. Most recently she performed with Micheal Bublé when he came to Calgary in October 2022 during his Higher tour.