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Have you ever wanted to learn to play the ukulele? Dreading the freezing cold outside here in Calgary? Imagine yourself strumming along on a Hawaiian beach with the sounds of the waves crashing into shore… You may not be able to make it to Hawaii anytime soon but you can still learn to play the wonderful sounds of the ukulele. Who knows maybe you will make it to Hawaii one day and be able to play your ukulele on the beach! We do offer group ukulele lessons, so read on to learn more.


Here at Cornerstone Music Cafe, we offer group lessons where people of all ages can learn to play the ukulele. It takes some work but is a relatively easy instrument to learn. Fewer strings than a guitar and obviously a lot smaller! And affordable too! A lot of our students really enjoy the group aspect of our ukulele lessons, you will get to meet others who want to learn and maybe you will even find a partner to jam with. Nothing better than bonding over music! We offer 8 week programs to teach you all the basics you need. After going through our ukulele course, you will be able to play several songs, be familiar with different strumming patterns, and know enough chords to learn many, many more or your favourite tunes! Imagine singing and strumming with your new friends, we promise it will make you smile. The ukulele is a great instrument choice for everyone from children to seniors. It is accessible and affordable, and sure to be fun! Take lessons privately or in a group setting – strum along in a class with our light-hearted and easy going instructors. You’ll be ready to jam wherever you go! Learn to play ukulele in our Calgary studios in our NW or SE locations. We offer expert ukulele lessons for beginners or those looking to refine their ukulele skills. The best way to learn ukulele is to start group classes with Cornerstone Music Cafe!


Set on playing the ukulele already? We also sell the instruments! We have a wide selection of ukuleles. Not sure what to buy? Talk to one of our team members and let us guide you through the process of getting the right instrument in a colour you will love. Ukulele’s start from about fifty dollars, and expect to pay about $65.00 for a reasonable quality instrument like this:


We will offer you a 20% discount on the purchase of a ukulele when you sign up for an 8-week course. Thanks for reading our post about group ukulele lessons and instruments! If you want to try out any of our instruments, feel free to stop by anytime or call us.


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